Metallic paints pens | Friday is #HisameReview

Every Friday I feature some of the products, services and machines I use in my projects. Let’s help each other find the best things for our hobbies or businesses! \(^o^)/ Use #HisameReview to find more recommendations.

pr_metallic markers

Metallic paint  Review
Derwent: are not very visible on black paper and if you use water to blend them they become so see through that you can’t tell the colors apart..
Ek tools:  nice, vibrant color, solid fill, can be blended on plastic or ceramic surfaces, they don’t clog. The red color is not appealing though. I’ve yet to find a true red metallic marker, I’ve had more success with paint and acrylics. 
Bic: they are more resilient than Ek, since they claim to be permanent. Lovely colors, vibrant, blend nicely on plastic or ceramic surfaces but dry quickly so if you want to blend be quick otherwise you’ll just write over the previous color.
Sharpie: blend even after drying and when heated become even more resilient, but on black paper they have issues covering. Ek and Bic cover the black paper better and have a bigger flow of color in the tip. 

For more info you can also visit:
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Youtube –>

Hand drawn tea set

Hi everyone! I’ve finished a new tea set, the illustrations are hand drawn with metallic markers. And from the metallic markers that I have tested Crayola and Sharpie seem to fare the best and after the ceramic have been cured for 30 min in the oven the markers no longer smudge. Hope you like it, I’m always looking forward to your feedback so feel free to leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments bellow.


tea set 2