Updates on Farmopoly the board game

As you may know I’ve been working on a board game named Farmopoly. I’ve always liked Monopoly type games and strategy games in general so I created this board game in its spirit.
board game
It has it’s slots with different themes to help kids get acquainted with different types of animals and governmental organizations: mammals, birds, vegetarian, carnivores, monarchy, federations etc. You have the fun of a classic monopoly game but with small differences so it resembles a year on a farm and the work that that implies.

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As my Tsu followers already know I’ve been holding giveaways to reward my growing following on  this awesome platform which rewards financially  original content creators. So for those that don’t know the prize is a character withing the Ernest the Blue Bunny world and this giveaway is only for Tsu users.  Following me there is free and there are only two character giveaways left .

bills prv

See here details for past winners and how you can win your very own original character within the E.B.B. world !

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doodle loterry_winner-03-01 doodle loterry_winner-03-01

Hope to see you there!

Take care,
