Happy New Year! And good news everyone!

Hi everyone and Happy New Year! Hope you had a good time. As for me several things have happened and I will try to go over some of them.

Firstly Chris Weiher from Watch Me Work will be featuring me for a whole month. For those of that don’t know WMW is a platform where streamer artists gather to show their work, so if you are already streaming on Youtube or Twitch you can also stream there.
What Chris is trying to do is bring quality content together and if you also make tutorials then be sure to ask for his payed program. If you have 1000 followers already it will definitely help your chances to be picked but it’s not a requirement.


You can read my comic series here on Tapastic: https://tapastic.com/hisameartwork/series

And another great news is that the tipping system is active now on my Tapastic account! Thank you to all those who have already started to tip me, I’m super happy this system is back, it’s really easy to use and a great way for those short on cash to support their favorite artists.


If you are also an artists, all you have to do to activate the option to be tiped yourself is, e-mail the staff and ask for it. Be nice and give your account link so they can find you easily and in a few days you should get a reply.


Aaaand lastly on my list of news this has been a good year for us, of progress and collaboration. I want to give a special thanks to @JunFender for helping me on my comic by doing the lineart and to @Qaryouti for consulting on the Cambridge history and architecture.

And in this year I will do my best to finish what I couldn’t last year.

Take care everyone and Happy New Year!
